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  • Jean-Paul Riopelle Bio Image
  • Jean-Paul Riopelle


    Art Brokerage: Jean-Paul Riopelle Canadian Artist: b. 1923-2002. Jean-Paul Riopelle was born in 1923 in Montreal, Quebec, and is one of Canada's most famous painters. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts until 1944, and had his first solo exhibition in 1945. Riopelle was a member of a group of innovative writers and artists in Quebec called the Automatistes, led by Paul-Emile Borduas, which contributed to his liberal thinking in terms of artistic expression. In 1947 Riopelle moved to Paris and became a member of artists known as the Ecole de Paris including others such as Marc Chagall and Natilia Concharova. Riopelle's earlier works reflect the Surrealist movement, and later his style is reflective of Abstract Impressionism. Riopelle became a Canadian art world icon and received the Order of Canada in 1969, and he died in 2002. Riopelle was married to the artist Joan Mitchell. Listings wanted for both artists.

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    We have interested buyers looking for these artworks by Jean-Paul Riopelle:

  • Art Brokerage Requests (6)
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Wanted: Jean-Paul Riopelle

Original Painting: Signed lithographs


Wanted: Jean-Paul Riopelle

All WorksOriginal Painting: Watercolor


Wanted: Jean-Paul Riopelle

All WorksWatercolor: Lithos


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