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  • Leah Guadagnoli Bio Image
  • Leah Guadagnoli

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Leah Guadagnoli American Artist: b. 1989. Leah Guadagnoli's work breaks the format of the traditional picture plane not only in its objecthood but also with its irregular shapes, plushness and depth. It is unique in its close relationship to the methods and aesthetic of furniture-making; her sizeable wall pieces are padded in foam and wrapped in fabric before being tucked together like couch cushions. She is strongly influenced by communal spaces, social engineering and an anti-aesthetic that includes "patterns and replicated surfaces that recollect the gaudy carpet, seating and walls often found in waiting rooms, airports, hallways and coach buses. People often ask to touch the paintings or just rub their hands against the surface without any permission." Listings wanted.

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