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  • Louis Magre Bio Image
  • Louis Magre


    Art Brokerage: Louis Magre French Artist: b. 1955. Born 1955 in France, Loius Magre grew up in a culture of art. He first studied drawing and architecture before becoming more passionately involved in the world of art. After nudes and charcoal sketches he turned to Impressionism, following in the foot steps of Masters like Monet, Pissaro, Seurat, and Sisley. Initially Magre's work concentrated on light, today he is recognized for his use of substance and relief. The beautiful atmospheres to be found in Touraine and Normandy are his main preoccupation. There, he discovers the intricacies of light as it dances through the trees and its intense aquatic reflections. Magre captures the mood like no other painter. Guided by Yves Brayer, employing the techniques of Impressionism, and inspired by the scenery, Magre has developed a style of painting all his own. A style of painting that so vividly captures color, light, emotion, and beauty of the region so dear to Cezanne and Van Gogh. In the same way his love for Bertagne enables him to depict sunflowers, lavenders, and cypress trees, in a manner unmatched by any painter. Azure skies and cobalt blue seas provide both a wonderful background as well as excellent contrast to the brightly colored flowers in his paintings. Listings wanted.

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Le Plateau Valpusok  47x37 Original Painting - Louis Magre

Louis Magre

Le Plateau Valpusok 47x37

Original Painting: Oil on Canvas, Hand Signed

Size: 30x40 in  | 76x102 cm
🔥🔥🔥Fabulous Huge Framed Oil on Canvas - A Real Steal
4 Watchers
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Wanted: Louis Magre

Oil paintingsOriginal Painting


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