Sinisa Labus
CroatiaArt Brokerage: Sinisa Labus Croatian Artist: b. 1971. Sinisa Labus was born on March 22, 1971. in Zagreb. He has been drawing and painting since childhood. He gained his first theoretical experiences at the walking school of Master of Sculpture Vuk Bojović. Later, he studied with Dragan MaleÅ¡ević Tapi, and at the same time visited the studios of other contemporary realist painters. He looks up to the most prominent representatives of the Baroque, High Renaissance and Realism in Russian painting of the 19th century. He considers the Spanish artist Diego Velázquez and the Russian painter Ilya Rjepin to be his greatest role models. Guided by Leonardo's maxim "the artist who deals with only one subject is weak", Labus is equally successful in all thematic art units. The spectrum of his interests is very wide, so he devotes himself to both portraits and still lifes, as well as landscapes and historical-mythological compositions. In his works, he devotes special attention to the research of national values, wanting to reach international and universal values ​​in this way. Listings wanted.
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