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  • Vytautas Kasiulis Bio Image
  • Vytautas Kasiulis


    Art Brokerage: Vytautas Kasiulis Lithuanian Artist: b. 1918-1995. Vytautas Kasiulis organized his personal creative exhibition at the Vytautas Magnus Museum of Culture in 1943. The following year, he arrived in Germany, where he served as a lecturer at the Fine Arts School in Fribourg-en-Brisgau, and had several solo expositions. In 1948 the painter arrived in Paris. His first exposition there took place at Raymond Duncan's gallery the following year.nnGradually, Kasiulis became one of the few Lithuanian artists, who achieved recognition in the world of art. His works are kept in the museums of contemporary art in Paris and New York, in the art galleries and private collections of France, United States, Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Argentina, Australia and other countries. In his works, the painter tried to reinforce his realistic outlook by his use of color. The symphonies of color, that some artists favored, were alien to him. Kasiulis disliked playing with nuances of warm and cold colors — he used warm, pure colors almost exclusively, differing in this respect from many French artists with their refined color combinations. Listings wanted.

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